Establish Clear Program Protocols
Clear program protocols ensure that a consistent quality of service is provided across staff and referral type. While center protocols are not rigid (i.e. individualized call schedules can be developed based on a caller’s needs), they do focus on structure. So while details of a caller’s follow-up plan may vary depending on risk level and the goal of follow-up (i.e. follow-up until relinked to treatment – or follow-up until specific stressor has passed) the overall approach typically remains the same.
Lifeline centers providing follow-up services are guided to establish the following:
- Minimum number of follow-up contacts made to each participant
- Maximum number of attempts to reach an individual before it is assumed they have dropped out of the program (typically three to five attempts are made)
- Maximum duration (in days or weeks) of program involvement
- General guidelines on content of follow-up calls
- General goals for the follow-up care with room for individual needs
In general, follow-up involves:
- Letters, phone calls, emails, chat or text
- Assess well-being, level of risk, and linkage to care
- Usually by telephone 24 –48 hrs after initial contact
- Calls are structured, brief and focus on continued assessment of risk
- General steps:
- Mood check and risk assessment – assess need for immediate intervention
- Review safety plan (revise if needed), discuss access to means
- Discuss treatment engagement and problem solve
- Obtain consent/willingness for additional follow-up
Follow-up period can end when individual
- Is engaged in treatment
- Risk is reduced or no longer wishes to be called